Local Trainers
Anna Awana

Owner, trainer and dressage instructor of Misty Meadows, Inc. for the past 30 years.
Primary Teaching Facility: Misty Meadows
Contact: (808) 389-0248 | anadaluz@hawaii.rr.com
Harrison and Ilena Chong

A clear understanding of basic dressage principles is essential for continued growth.
Primary Teaching Facility: Maunawili Farms
Contact: (808) 383-2942
Suzi Hillis

Resident Manager, Trainer and Instructor at Hilltop Equestrian Center for over 25 years. USDF Gold Medalist. Training for horse and rider from Introductory to Grand Prix. Specializes in Jr. riders and manages Hilltop's Pony Club.
Primary Teaching Facility: Hilltop Equestrian Center
Contact: (808) 232-8832 | suzi.hillis@alohastatedressage.com
Linda Hosoi

I started teaching and training on Oahu in 1981. I continue to enjoy the interaction with horses and their dedicated riders, who parallel the struggles, realizations, and the resulting accomplishments of life's experiences.
Primary Teaching Facility: Hilltop Equestrian Center
Contact: (808) 247-1478
Judy Woods

Manager/ trainer at Malu Olu Ranch in Waimanalo. I teach Dressage, English and Western.
Primary Teaching Facility: Malu Olu Ranch
Contact: (808) 256-3889